Our affiliate program is for our clients who want to partner with us. We believe if you refer someone to our business you should get a portion for the referral. So, what Maylink is doing now is opening up our brand-new affiliate program to those interesting in getting a return for their efforts.
What is our Affiliate program?
Our Affiliate program is our system that allows our clients to refer others to our web hosting platform and get paid for it.
How does it work?
The program works by referral links. Once someone clicks on your link which leads to our website (Maylinkhosting.com) and they purchase one of our yearly hosting plans you will qualify for payment from our system. To get the full payment a client must stay on our system for 30 days which is the amount of time we give clients to request a cancellation if they wish.
How does payments work?
Payments for referrals can be redeemed in two ways. The first is the wallet method which allows our affiliates to cover their own hosting cost such as web hosting packages and domain cost. The second method is the offline method which is a payment sent from Maylink’s own account to your own personal account such as PayPal. In the future you will be able to directly link your PayPal to your affiliate account and redeem payments.
Who can join the program?
Everyone can qualify for this. You can email us, or we will contact you directly to upgrade your account into the program. We do have the right to choose who gets into the program. Since we are still growing, we are limiting who has access to this program.
Are there different amounts I can earn?
Yes, there is. Most everyone who is allowed to join will start at the first tier which is capped at 10% of the sale of a hosting plan. VIP members will have a higher level of return from each referral.
How do I access my affiliate account?
You log into my.maylinkhosting.com. From there you will log in and go to the My Account section and then to the Affiliate Program section. This screen will show you everything you need from stats to your affiliate link.
If you have any more questions, feel free to email us at Info@MaylinkHosting.com. We are super excited to start working with you!
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